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Making Cities for People


Jan Gehl's impact on urban design and planning has left an indelible mark on cities worldwide. Gehl's methodology involves meticulous documentation of public life, studying how individuals use and experience public spaces, streets, and plazas. His research-led approach has influenced urban policies, prompting a shift away from car-centric planning toward pedestrian-friendly, bikeable, and socially inclusive city environments.

As the founding partner of Gehl Architects, Gehl has been involved in numerous urban revitalization projects, collaborating with cities globally to transform public spaces into dynamic, community-centric hubs. His influence extends beyond academia and consultancy, inspiring a new generation of urban planners and architects to prioritize the human scale in their designs.

How we work

Webnorth has played an important role in shaping Gehl's online presence by developing their website. Leveraging their expertise in digital solutions, Webnorth crafted a dynamic and user-friendly platform that mirrors Gehl's commitment to human-centric urban design. Webnorth not only developed Gehl's website but also secured a partnership through a service and hosting agreement. This ongoing commitment ensures the continued success, functionality, and security of Gehl's website.

Are you curious?
Then visit the website here.