Desperate Others - Same Eyes  -  leavemealone - Fred again..  -  Lyset - Efterklang  -  Tres Hermanos - Hermanos Gutiérrez  -  Only You - Tame Impala & Theophilus London  - 

Zealand: Academy of Technologies and Business.


Zealand offers higher education on a full-time and part-time basis. They continuously ensure the relevance and quality of their programs through collaboration and dialogue with companies in the region – the same companies where their graduates intern and secure employment. Their goal is to generate practical knowledge that enhances the competitiveness of students, businesses, and the region both now and in the future.

A stable and secure website is crucial for Zealand, especially during yearly significant application rounds with increased online traffic. The collaborative efforts between Zealand and Webnorth contribute to the overall success of the educational institution, providing a robust digital presence that aligns with the high standards set by Zealand in delivering quality higher education.

Service & hosting
at Webnorth.


A service and hosting agreement for a digital solution is vital to clarify roles, responsibilities, and terms between the service provider and client. It covers key aspects like data security, intellectual property, service levels, and legal compliance, ensuring a solid foundation for a successful partnership in the digital space.


Optimization is an ongoing process. Webnorth believes in continuous improvement, regularly reviewing digital solution performance, user feedback, and industry trends to implement updates and enhancements. This proactive approach ensures that the digital solution remains current, competitive, and aligned with evolving user expectations.

Proactive approach

A Customer Care Manager at Webnorth is a dedicated professional who embodies a forward-thinking approach to customer service. By anticipating needs, resolving issues before they arise, and maintaining open communication, our manager contributes significantly to the overall satisfaction and success of our clients.

Are you in need of an experienced digital partner? Contact Webnorth today.

Jacob Munche Spardahl

