Desperate Others - Same Eyes  -  leavemealone - Fred again..  -  Lyset - Efterklang  -  Tres Hermanos - Hermanos Gutiérrez  -  Only You - Tame Impala & Theophilus London  - 

Website, Intranet, & Learning Management System.


Webnorth is a proud digital partner at Boligforeningen AAB, where the collaboration began with a new custom-made website developed in WordPress. Simultaneously, Webnorth put the finishing touches on an intranet and a learning platform. Common to all three projects is a unified backend, where synchronized modules ensure easy administration of content across the website, intranet, and the learning platform.

In addition to synchronizing content, Webnorth built a backend to streamline the management of media and files across the organization, making the process easier. The aim was to create a faster administrative flow along with different platforms where both residents and employees were eager to use and contribute. Boligforeningen AAB holds a service and hosting contract encompassing all solutions provided by Webnorth.

How we work

Webnorth simplifies and streamlines administrative tasks with our advanced digital solutions. Our user-friendly platforms are designed to reduce complexity, making day-to-day operations more accessible for businesses.

From intuitive interfaces to automated processes, we empower organizations to navigate tasks seamlessly and allocate resources strategically.

Are you in need of an experienced digital partner? Contact Webnorth today.

Jacob Munche Spardahl



Service & hosting

A service and hosting agreement with Webnorth is essential for establishing clear expectations and responsibilities between the website owner and the hosting provider. The agreement covers important aspects such as scalability, data backup, termination procedures, and legal compliance.

By addressing these factors, the agreement promotes a transparent and secure hosting environment for the WordPress website, ensuring a reliable and well-managed online presence.