
Web application + Service and hosting

Client ViNordic

New system. More control.


Webnorth takes pride in its collaboration with ViNordic. Throughout 2021 and 2022, the company devoted significant efforts to ViNordic's latest version of MedicinTilDyr, known as MtD 2.0. ViNordic's objective is to advance the digitization of its business and consolidate its assets onto a unified platform. This platform is designed to function as a central hub for sharing data with relevant third parties. Therefore, the adoption of an API-first approach was crucial for MtD 2.0. Another key goal was to automate a majority of processes, including the creation and updating of medicinal products.

The primary aim was to offer administrators greater flexibility by integrating multiple functions into the same system, thereby reducing the time spent on administrative tasks. In addition to the focus on digitization and automation, there was also a commitment to improving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), with ViNordic receiving support from AM Copenhagen. Following the launch of MtD 2.0, ViNordic has continued its partnership with Webnorth through a service and hosting agreement. This entails regular collaboration between ViNordic and Webnorth's service team to explore optimizations for MtD 2.0.

Choosing the right tech stack
is crucial for factors such as
performance and scalability.


Git Version Control

App / API / Mobile

Vuejs Frontend

App / Mobile

Laravel Backend


Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CD Platform


MySQL Server


Laravel Forge Server

Server management

Digital Ocean Hosting


Do you have a relevant project?
Contact Webnorth today.

Service & hosting
at Webnorth.


A service and hosting agreement for a digital solution is vital to clarify roles, responsibilities, and terms between the service provider and client. It covers key aspects like data security, intellectual property, service levels, and legal compliance, ensuring a solid foundation for a successful partnership in the digital space.


Optimization is an ongoing process. Webnorth believes in continuous improvement, regularly reviewing digital solution performance, user feedback, and industry trends to implement updates and enhancements. This proactive approach ensures that the digital solution remains current, competitive, and aligned with evolving user expectations.

Proactive approach

A Customer Care Manager at Webnorth is a dedicated professional who embodies a forward-thinking approach to customer service. By anticipating needs, resolving issues before they arise, and maintaining open communication, our manager contributes significantly to the overall satisfaction and success of our clients.

Read more about service
and hosting at Webnorth.