                  1. Desperate Others by Same Eyes    -    2. leavemealone by Fred again..    -    3. Lyset by Efterklang    -    4. Tres Hermanos -by Hermanos Gutiérrez    -    5. Only You by Tame Impala & Theophilus London       
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WordPress as an Enterprise CMS.

Jacob Munche Spardahl



Date:June 16, 2024

WordPress is ideal as a Content Management System (CMS) on an enterprise scale, even though many, especially from competing companies that build solutions in other systems, may claim otherwise.

For a long time, especially in Denmark, WordPress has been overshadowed by other CMSs, mainly for historical reasons. However, this has started to change, and more and more people are recognizing WordPress as a robust and highly developed CMS.

Over the years, Webnorth has gained experience in developing on several other CMSs but eventually settled for WordPress. Among the previous CMSs, we can mention Joomla, Typo3, Drupal, NEOS, Shopify, Umbraco, and Sitecore. It would be incorrect to say that there is a “best CMS,” and ultimately, most systems can handle almost all tasks as long as the development team working with it is sharp enough.

We have some important arguments for choosing WordPress as a CMS. The most obvious one is the extent of the surrounding community in WordPress, but also that WordPress is the absolute largest CMS in the world, and we see an investment in WordPress as a secure future investment. The talent pool in the WordPress community is also the largest globally, attracted by the exponential growth that shows no sign of diminishing; quite the opposite.

WordPress has received criticism at the enterprise level, especially regarding security. There is both truth and falsehood in this. It is true that many WordPress websites get hacked, precisely because it is the world’s largest CMS. It is also incredibly easy to set up for someone curious about WordPress but not professional, and these solutions are rarely fully updated. Not only does the CMS need regular updates, but any plugins used also need to be updated, and that often requires a bit more know-how. When Webnorth works with WordPress websites, one of our highest priorities is to ensure the security of the customer’s solution. Therefore, we always offer a service and hosting agreement with websites, ensuring that the solution is monitored, manually updated, and tested by our service team, thereby ensuring they remain fast, stable, and, most importantly, secure.

The fact that WordPress has entered the enterprise level can be seen, for example, in the recent use of WordPress for the website of the White House in the USA. Yes, even Microsoft uses WordPress for their official news site. Also, one of the largest news portals in England, The Sun, uses WordPress.

Denmark’s largest housing company recently chose Webnorth to rebuild their website, accompanying intranet, and a Learning Management System (LMS), all built on WordPress. The LMS was created using LearnDash, the world’s largest in its field and easily integrable as a plugin for WordPress. This provides the solution with thousands of additional hours of functionality in just a few hours.

Why have your enterprise solution developed in WordPress?

WordPress is the largest CMS in the world, which has had momentum for a long time that seems unstoppable.
Plugins allow your digital solution to integrate thousands of hours of work efficiently in just a few hours, saving resources.
There are many companies capable of working with WordPress, so you are not tied to Webnorth as a partner, and your CMS can easily continue to thrive should you choose to switch.
Due to the number of WordPress developers, we can constantly keep prices low for our services. With many other CMS systems, it is often difficult to find developers, which increases costs and extends the waiting time to initiate your further development.

We believe that the future for WordPress in the enterprise sector looks very positive, which will benefit Danish companies in the future.

If you want to learn more about WordPress for enterprise, contact us at info@webnorth.com.