                  1. Desperate Others by Same Eyes    -    2. leavemealone by Fred again..    -    3. Lyset by Efterklang    -    4. Tres Hermanos -by Hermanos Gutiérrez    -    5. Only You by Tame Impala & Theophilus London       
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PHP 7.4 vs 8.0

Simon Strande



Date:April 17, 2023

PHP 7.4 is now officially outdated, which happened on November 28, 2022. This means that this version of PHP will no longer receive security updates. If you have a digital solution running on PHP 7.4, you should strongly consider switching to PHP 8 as soon as possible.

With PHP 8, you not only get enhanced security but also many more technical possibilities and better performance. For instance, PHP 8 can handle up to 18% more requests per second, providing better performance for your digital solution. Unfortunately, it can be a bit technical to determine whether your server is running PHP 7.4, but if you are tech-savvy, we have provided a link below to a small guide and a link for more information on the upgrade:

Guide to check your PHP version: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-tell-version-php-running-on-unix-linux-server/

Information about the upgrade: https://www.cloudways.com/blog/php-8/

If you are still unsure whether your server is on PHP 7.4, please feel free to write to us at info@webnorth.dk, and let us ensure a quick check for you.